Great Review of Dinner for Eight in Kirkus!
Kirkus Reviews enjoyed our new Spring title Dinner for Eight... from their 5/1 issue:
"Many hands make a luscious international feast. Octopus plans a dinner for eight: 'Please be on time and don’t arrive late!' With an international guest list, he prepares a variety of offbeat entrees. This culinary lift-the-flap book sometimes has Octopus’s multiple tentacles working at once—in the kitchen finding hay in one cupboard, a jar of flies in another and a plant in the refrigerator while checking on several colorful fish that are cooking in the oven. At the dinner party, each dish is a clever (yucky) concoction, waiting behind flaps to be revealed by young listeners. There’s eucalyptus leaf stew for Kal Kangaroo, worm sauerkraut for Berthe Birdie, housefly soufflé for François Le Frog, and so on. Dessert is the pièce de résistance all right, although its composition defies the gustatory logic that’s gone before. But there’s no denying that the lift-the-flap design always delights young would-be readers, and De Muth goes the extra mile with humorous surprises under each flap."
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